Popsicles, Law and Order, and Hydrocodon: Life after (minor) Surgery


It hasn’t been too long since I posted last, yet still so much has happened.  That’s how the TTC world goes, though.  Either a lot of waiting with not much to report, or a whirlwind of happenings in a short amount of time.  For us, it has been the latter.

Earlier this month, I had the procedure I mentioned in my last post.  Dr. S performed a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and ovarian drilling.  All went well.  No endometriosis.  No polyps.  Uterus looked good.  Dr. S did say that I had way more cysts on my ovaries than he thought (or had seen through ultrasound), but he “zapped” most of them.  Recovery wasn’t so bad.  I’m a teacher, so I’m out for the summer right now.  I didn’t have to take off work, which was a blessing.  Surgery was Tuesday, and I was off the pain meds and moving around independently by Saturday morning.  I saw Dr. S at post-op a week later, and he had pictures of the procedure.  That’s just what a semi-permanently nauseous girl needs to see- photographs of what she looks like inside!  I instantly felt queasy (or queasier than normal) the minute he pulled out the pages of pictures.  I have a lump in my throat just thinking about it!  Naturally, I declined a copy for myself; they can just keep those in my file.

During this time, I’ve been overwhelmed by the husband.  He has been my rock emotionally, but throughout this procedure, I saw just how precious this man is.  We sat and prayed together before the surgery, and, of course, joked the entire time until they whisked a very happy (thanks to valium) me to the operating room.  He served as my walker when I moved around the house- which, for the first two days, was ONLY to pee!  He helped me on and off the toilet; he fed me and catered to whatever I needed.  He sat with me on the couch and watched Law and Order (which he hates) just to hang out with me.  He took on the role of doctor with my medicines and supplements, even calling me after he had to go back to work to make sure I didn’t miss a dose.  All the while following Dr. S’s orders to abstain from “husband/wife time”.  The husband deserves serious kudos for all he’s been doing for me!


All in all, this update is positive.  God is so good!  Surgery went well, AND Dr. S thinks I’ll ovulate and/or have a cycle at sometime during the next four to six weeks.  Then, we’ll start Clomid again (starting back at 50mg to avoid over-stimulating).  He said it’s very possible that the drilling will help my body ovulate on its own permanently, or at least for a few months.  I’m hopeful for how God’s working in us and in our relationship.  We feel like we’re closer to Baby M, and I can’t help but smile about that.